Now we have moved to another bench and Sharon is demonstrating how cores are made. Cores are placed in molds to reduce the amount of metal in the casting and make subsequent machining operations easier as less metal will have to be removed from the casting.  

Mystic River Foundry uses a type of sand called water glass.  It is greensand that has been mixed with sodium silicate.  The sodium silicate is a liquid, about the viscosity of Karo syrup, and is mixed with the greensand in a machine called a muller.  Sort of an industrial sized Cusinart it blends the various ingredients to the consistency and texture that the foundryman wants for a specific use.  

Here Sharon is ramming the water glass into a core box (the name of the mold used for making cores).  The cores can be simple or very complex.  This one is a simple cylinder as will be seen in a slide or two.

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