The New England Model Engineering Society
The New England Model Engineering Society is a group for those who enjoy metal working and machining. While originally centered on the construction of model gas and steam engines, we don't discourage other kinds of models and projects and things made out of wood, plastic, paper or just about anything else, or the collecting and restoration of hand and machine tools.
NEMES is a 501(c)3 federal tax-exempt, state chartered non-profit corporation.
This is a temporary web page. The original page is three years out of date. If you really need to see it, click Here
Note that email addresses in the old page are being updated and may not always work.
Any member would like to be the webmaster is encouraged to apply.
Future Model Engineering Show Dates
The 2025 Model Engineering Show is scheduled for Saturday, March 15th, 2025.
We will start detailed planning in September 2024.
The 2026 Model Engineering Show is scheduled for Saturday, March 7th, 2026.
Please start thinking about your own exhibit, and who else you can recruit to exhibit. Our continued success depends on having enough exhibitors. And remember, lunch for exhibitors is provided!
Lunch at Woodman's
Our annual December lunch at Woodman's of Essex did happen on Saturday, May 18th at 11:30 AM. A good time was had by all.
Monthly meetings are held on the first Thursday of the month at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Members will be emailed the Gazette and Zoom instructions.
The January 2025 meeting will be held on Thursday, January 2nd at 7:00 PM on Zoom. Members will be emailed the Gazette and Zoom Instructions.
Show flyer and load-in instructions for the just completed Model Engineering Show. We had 30 exhibitors and over 500 museum admissions. This was the first show since 2020. The Model Engineering Show is a fund raising event for The Charles River Museum of Industry in Waltham.