Shaper Book Page

These files were previously distributed on CD but as time has gone by I have lost interest in burning CDs, toting them to the post office and mailing them.  So, after much procrastinating, I have decided to post them here for free download.

As I come across any other shaper related books I will add them to the list as time allows.

Boxford Shaper 

Delta Rockwell Shaper

Elliott 10M Shaper    

ITC Shaper Book

Shaper Work

Shaper Work Delmar


The Shaping Machine

Shaper Chapter 

Michael Moore Info    

The link Michael Moore  will. take you to a list of interesting and useful shaper information. To visit Mike's website use this link:

Elliot 10M Shaper contributed by Andy Batory, Ottawa, Ontario Canada  The Shaping Machine was contributed but I don't recall now who sent it to me.  The K&T manuals were sent by Forrest Silas.

Other Books and Manuals

The Rivett Lathe information is contributed by Frank Dorion and his friend in England Steve Uphill, who played the major role in getting the Rivett stuff back into circulation. They also distributed CDs but that got old eventually and now the information is here for the Rivett Lathe enthusiast.

Accurite DRO Beginner Projects Bridgeport Manuals

Bridgeport Rebuild Manual

B&S No. 20 Universal 
B&S No. 2 Mill B&S No. 510 Surface Grinder Cincinnati No. 1 Cincinnati 1M Parts and Service Repair Book
Clausing 5914 Manual Common Hole Types and Fasteners Doall DiAcro
Enco Dividing Head Gage Block Book Grinding and Lapping Grinding Dressers
Harig Grinder Harrison Model 10AA Hartford Super Spacer Jacobs Chuck
Johansson Drilling K&T mills Keller Power Hack Saw LeBlond 15" and 19"
Machine Shop Series Metallurgy of Iron and Steel Millrite Mill Manual Modern Machine Shop 
MTO by Burghardt et al NMTBA Shop Theory Norton Tool Room Grinding Odds and ends
Pratt & Whitney Lathe Rivett Lathes  South Bend Lathes Square Threads
Spartan Model 812 Saw Tapers and Threading Titan Supermax Tree Mill 2 UVR
U.S. Army Lathe Operations U.S. Army Milling Machine Operations U.S. Army Shaper Operations Wohlhaupter Boring Head
Zeatz S/L Dividing Head  U.S. Navy Machining Manual Deckel SO Manual Sharpening Small Tools
    NAMCO Forklift Parts/Operating Catalog of Sharpening Stones
Piston Valve Engine Book ZIP file Jet Bandsaw J-3410 and 3410-2 NAMCO Forklift '67-'72

State of CT Curriculum  1990 curriculum (PDF) and current curriculum (DOC)


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