Greenfield Village

This small planer was made by the Powell Planer Company of Worcester MA.  A small machine like this might have been used for making small parts that would have been out of place on the larger planer that will be seen later in this presentation.  You will also see pictures of machines called shapers.  Since they bear some similarities you may ask what is the difference?  A planer operates on the principle that the too is held in a holder and the work piece cycles back and forth beneath the tool.  The tool may be moved left and right or up and down as necessary.  A shaper, on the other hand,  moves the tool back and forth and the work sits on a table which may be moved left and right or up and down.  In addition the tool may be adjusted up and down and may be moves at an angle making the shaper a very versatile although somewhat slow method or removing stock.

Photos in the set are by Errol Groff

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