Cabin Fever Expo 2009
York, PA
Did bitter cold and an uncertain economy keep model engineering enthusiasts from coming out to one of the finest shows in the country? Heck no! Cabin Fever 2009 was very well attended, many $$$'s were spent at the auction and vendor booths were busy from what I could see.
It was, as always, great to see fellows from around the country and enjoy the best in fellowship that our hobby offers.
This article has three pages. Page one and two are my photos and comments and page 3 has photos sent in by Norm Jones. Norm's section has many photos from the evening reception at the York Agricultural and Industry Museum.
27 February 2009 I just received a CD with photos from AL Goldberg.
Truly awesome model Duesenberg
Bea Boucher, NEMES president Dick Boucher's wife
Al Goldberg, NEMES member and one of my dependable photo contributors
Terri Groff, long patient wife of your webmaster Errol
L to R are ???, Ray HasBrouck and Norm Jones
Ron Ginger (L) and Clive Dalby examine an Atlas lathe that someone bought
L to R are ???, Henry Szostek and Russ Steeves
(L) Dick Boucher current NEMES president and (R) Ron Ginger, founder and past president of NEMES
MPG WMV Something a little different, Hawk Chow. We saw this outside our back door.
The loco chassis on the yellow trailer in the left most photo above belongs to Fred Eisner ( ) The boiler was brought by the folks from Wasatch and mated to the chassis at the show.
MPG WMV Engine MPG WMV AL beam engine and steam siren
MPG WMV Pedal train and boat pond