Metal Shapers

by Kay Fisher

Shaper of the month

This month’s shaper is a 7 inch South Bend that has been refurbished by Marty Escarcega on commission for his friend and club member George Glines. Their club web site is All this info is available on Marty’s excellent web site at:

I have spent quite a bit of time at this web site because in addition to his shaper coverage he has great documentation on his refurbishment of a Bridgeport J-head mill. As I have been in the middle of refurbishing my M-head for over a year (counting a move across country), I found his information to be both inspirational and educational. The following is from Marty’s web site:

“This is a late model South Bend shaper with an oil pump. Overall condition before refurbishing was good and the machine was pretty complete. The shaper had about seven layers of paint on it as did the cabinet. The machine and cabinet came from two different sources. I used aircraft stripper on the cabinet and then sandblasted it.”

Before                                             photo by Marty Escarcega

Nearly Complete                            photo by Marty Escarcega

Before                                             photo by Marty Escarcega

Nearly Complete                            photo by Marty Escarcega

Partially Disassembled                   photo by Marty Escarcega

Parts is Parts                                   photo by Marty Escarcega

Sandblasted and Painted               photo by Marty Escarcega

Restored Worn Tags                      photo by Marty Escarcega

Completed Left Side                       photo by Marty Escarcega

Completed Right Side                     photo by Marty Escarcega

Thanks Marty and George for that refurbish information and pictures.

Keep sending me email with questions and interesting shaper stories.

My email address is