Yankee Siege Trebuchet
This morning, Sunday 15 October 2006, I received an email from the NEMES Yahoo mail list sent out by Dick Boucher. Dick is the current president of NEMES and was letting members know about his visit to Greenfield NH. The text which follows is the content of Dick's email:
Did you ever see an 8-10 pound pumpkin whirled through
the air a distance of 2000 feet going fast enough that it whistles?
The Yankee Farmer in Greenfield NH is giving demonstrations of their
record holding (1702 feet) Trebuchet "Yankee Siege" today,
Sunday October 15 and next Saturday and Sunday, 21st 22nd at their farm
stand in Greenfield NH. Take NH Rt 101A west out of Nashua to NH 101 west.
Follow that road to Wilton NH and find route 31 north. Follow 31 north
about 6
miles to the farm stand.
The machine stands 56 feet to the tip of the arm and has a counter weight
that can be loaded with 20,000 pounds of railroad track. The total machine
weighs in at 52,000 pounds. They do the demonstrations every 30 minutes
from 1:00 to 5:00 PM. Bea and I got to see six shots yesterday. The
demonstrations are part of the fine tuning in preparation for the
"Pumpkin Chunking" championships in Delaware.
These fellows have a lot of fun with welding and cutting torches and it is
interesting to see what they have around the site.
The Trebuchet will be disassembled and carted to Delaware the last weekend
of the month.
Dick Boucher
I would have jumped in the car and headed up to NH but was waiting for my son to visit. He never showed and the day was lost. Darn!
At five PM I received and email from Bill Brackett with pictures attached. He and his wife Sue had gone to see the machine and he has sent along the following pictures and comments. Thank you Bill!!!
758 Sue Brackett next to the Yankee Siege machine
759 Gears that turn the drum for the down haul rope. The rope is laying on the ground in this picture
760 The arm latch is on the right and has a long rope attached to it, the rope is pulled to release the arm.
763 Ascending the boom to attach the haul down rope
765 766 Untangling the sling and attaching the haul down rope
770 The arm is set and the safety changes in place