Straw Hollow Engine Show
Boylston MA August 2011
Slide Show HERE and Video here
Sorry to be a bit slow getting this page posted but while walking around the show I banged my leg into a low trailer and got a pretty good bleed going. Although it had stopped bleeding by the time I got home at 6:00PM my wife (the nurse) insisted on a through cleaning which started it going again. A couple hours later she threw in the towel and we went to the ER and they got it to stop. For a shile I had considered going out to the garage and finding the soldering iron but the wife nixed that idea. We got home t midnight and I was too worn out to work on this page full bore today.
I had a nice chat with another fellow who looked
like he was taking some serious photos. He agreed to send me some of his
shots and said I could post them on this page. He sent a link to the
location of his work and I decided to just put the link so you could see all his
Thank you Pat Higgins for sharing.
L to R are Rollie Gaucher, Russ Steeves tooting his own horn, someone I don't
know and Rich Hubbard
A very nicely done reproduction of the first Henry Ford engine
The left photo is John Hall with his Speed Graphic camera. John's truck (R) and here I thought I was doing well with my Escort wagon with 309,000 miles. One the other hand my car is a 1997 model.
Bob Vincent showed me a small lens that can be mounted in front of a camera lens for ultra close ups.
This was the first time I have seen this drag line model