Rich Carlstadt's Shop
During our recent trip to Oshkosh for the EAA air show and convention Norm Jones and I invited to visit Rich's shop. My long time friend, Tom Horch, when with us when we went up to Green Bay to visit Rich and lear a bit more about he makes models that are an inspiration to all who see them.
Monitor engine, hypocycloidal engine and Corliss type engine.
Rich built this engine some years ago. It is tricked out to resemble an electric engine which could run on multi wire overheads or single wire rigs.
This Hardinge lathe came with a number of problems which Rich is working to fix. when he gets it up and running a decision will have to be made as to which of his two current lathes will have to go to make room for it.
The AL plate under the vise has drain holes to let coolant drain back to the sump. A plexiglass box sits in the groove when in use.
Rich mentored the fellow who built this loco
(L to R) Rich Carlstadt, Tom Horch and Norm Jones look at a trial run of a propeller Rich is making for the Monitor engine.
Punch and die made for forming domes
Views of the hypocycloidal engine The engine looks like it is chrome plated but is, in fact, highly polished. The engine is kept in a tight display case but every few years must be dis-assembled and the polishing redone. This takes 40 to 60 hours to accomplish.