Pioneer Valley Live Steamers

Fathers Day Run

17 June 2012

Photo Slide Show HERE     Video HERE

Pioneer Valley was blessed with a beautiful day for their annual Spring/Fathers Day meet.  The weather could not possibly have been any nicer and there was a great turnout of steam, gas and diesel engines.  The line of happy families waiting for their turn for a ride was longer that I ever remember seeing at the track, not that I am any sort of expert on the subject.

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DSC05261.JPG (226446 bytes)  (L)  Rich Hubbard chatting with a friend

DSC05277.JPG (250772 bytes)  Terri Groff with Roy Bear and Eddie Moose.  The boys got a train ride at the meet so they were happy.


If you see your exhibit or machine and would care to drop me a line or two, or even a paragraph, about it I will be delighted to add your comments to this page.  Please sent to   To identify a photo just hover your cursor over the photo and a tag should pop up.  Please use the last three digits of the tag to identify the photo. For  example if the tag came up  DSC03974.jpg (205067 bytes) the info I would need is 976.jpg. If this is a multi page unit the page number would also be useful.

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