Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library

Grand Rapids, Michigan USA

On  9 August 1974 became President of the United States under the most difficult of circumstance.  He conducted his Presidency with the same honor and dedication with which he had served his country for many years as a United States Congressman and before that in the U.S. Navy during WWII.  

President Ford is, and will always be, one of my personal heroes.

DSC01020x.JPG (168919 bytes)  DSC01038x.JPG (169464 bytes)  DSC01042x.JPG (199158 bytes)

  DSC01021x.JPG (154004 bytes)  This sculpture remembers Ford's days as a lineman at the University of Michigan         

DSC01024x.gif (268624 bytes)  Recreation of Ford's oval office

DSC01026x.JPG (120501 bytes)  DSC01025x.JPG (104601 bytes)  DSC01028x.JPG (99132 bytes)  Some of the many gifts received by the President during his time in office.

 DSC01023x.JPG (141710 bytes)  DSC01022x.JPG (94771 bytes)

DSC01031x.JPG (145415 bytes)  A section of the Berlin wall

DSC01032x.JPG (105130 bytes)  DSC01033x.JPG (77062 bytes)  On the left is the Profiles in Courage Award granted to President Ford.

DSC01037x.JPG (119638 bytes)  The Presidential seal

  DSC01039x.JPG (165599 bytes)  DSC01040x.JPG (168013 bytes)  Gerald R. Ford's final resting place

DSC01041x.JPG (181255 bytes)  View across the river of downtown Grand Rapids.

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