Visit to EAA 1363 ( ) Sunday Morning Get Together

Quonset Point Airport,  Quonset RI

16 October 2005

At first glance this might seem to be a bit off topic even for me.  But there is significant metalworking content so it is not really that far afield.

Besides machining and computers my other great interest is aircraft.  Especially homebuilt aircraft.  The experimental Aircraft Association ( ) is the national organization for folks interested in such things and I have been a member since 1971.  Sometimes very active and sometimes just following along as it were.

I am interested in some 7/8 scale WWI aircraft designed by a Canadian fellow named Graham Lee.  Sadly Graham passed away a few weeks ago, he will be very missed among those who admire his work.

Anyway,  I subscribe to a Yahoo mail list on the subject and a couple day ago I spotted a message from a builder in Rhode Island.  I sent him an email asking if I might visit his shop sometime to view his project.  He mailed back that today (16 October 2005) the EAA chapter he belongs to was meeting in a hanger at the Quonset Point airport and he was going to bring the fuselage of his plane.  We agreed to meet there.

If you want to learn more about these homebuilt WWI aircraft a good place to start is the web site of the Kansas City Dawn Patrol one of the most active groups of enthusiasts of Graham Lee's designs.  Their address is   You can also visit Graham's homepage 

Here are a few pictures of Fank's project.  

PA160035.JPG (244628 bytes)  On the right in Frank Nowak the builder of the aircraft  The van is a Honda Odyssey to give you an idea of the length of the fuselage without the tail feathers.

PA160036.JPG (348172 bytes)  Right rear quarter view.

PA160037.JPG (361623 bytes) Right front quarter view

PA160039.JPG (241483 bytes)  Detail of how the tubes are joined together.  This is a very simple to build aircraft and although it looks delicate it is plenty strong.

PA160040.JPG (216801 bytes)  Detail of the hinges on the elevators.  The hinge material is an extrusion that is cut into the proper length and modified to create the male and female sides of the hinge.

PA160041.JPG (276146 bytes)  This shows the elevator horn and hinge

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