Dave Dearborn's 35th and last Annual Show

35 Years of Great Engine Shows


Text and photos by NEMES past president Norm Jones

The inclement weather on June 3 and 4 did not dampen the spirits of those who attended Dave Dearborn's 35Th annual engine show, held at his home in West Campton, New Hampshire. Dave is particularly interested in steam engines. His show is one of a select few that provides live steam to operate both full size engines as well as models. NEMES was very well represented at this year's event as you can see in the following pictures. The pot luck supper on Saturday evening, complete with live entertainment proved to be a great way to cap off the day. Phil St Jean and Dick Boucher recalled some special moments over the years and both presented Dave and Jackie with gifts to commemorate 35 years of great fun. Check out the pictures and see if you can recognize anyone!

DSCF2214.jpg (103297 bytes)  Steam Powered Woodworking Lathe

DSCF2219.jpg (113520 bytes)   Todd Cahill with his Display of Steam Engine Models

DSCF2215a.jpg (104300 bytes)  Ed Seldin with his new Stirling Cycle Engine

DSCF2220.jpg (109798 bytes)  General View of the Steam Table

DSCF2221.jpg (93380 bytes)  Phil Goodwin with his Steam Engine Model

DSCF2223.jpg (100173 bytes)  Todd Cahill, Dick Boucher (your new president) & Phil Goodwin at the Steam Table

DSCF2224.jpg (85966 bytes)  Dave Bono with his Steam Locomotive Model

DSCF2218.jpg (114662 bytes)  Dave's Workshop

DSCF2222.jpg (89343 bytes)  Dave with the Featured Steam Engine, also happens to be on the T- Shirt for sale at the show.

DSCF2234.jpg (90275 bytes)  Dave and Jackie looking at the Plaque presented to them by Phil St Jean

DSCF2236.jpg (74992 bytes)  Dave and Jackie looking at the Drawing presented to them by Dick Boucher

DSCF2237a.jpg (72761 bytes)  Dave showing Drawing to to Assembled Gathering

Thanks for the memories, Dave and Jackie

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