Greenfield (NH) Carriage and Drawbar Club
19 September 2015
Slide Show HERE
I have no recollection what so ever of where I heard about this show. But we headed out this morning for Greenfield NH just seven days after going to Dublin. This week the GPS did not amuse its' self by guiding us over every little road in that corner of NH and we found Greenfield no problem. Finding the Carriage and Drawbar show was a different story however. The address I had was 791 Forrest Road which turned out to be the Public Library. Not a tractor in sight. So we drove in the direction of lower house numbers for a ways. No luck, OK turn around and drive toward higher numbers. No luck. Turn around and go back further toward the low house numbers and found, of all things, Trebuchet! So I pulled in broke out the camera so the trip wouldn't be a complete waste. |
No point in having a trebuchet if you don't have a castle to hurl stones at Part of the scene was also a cook pot and huge flail.. |
After we left the trebuchet park we declared that the day was a bust and headed to Peterborough to get gas before heading home. Terri was surveying the landscape and hollered out, hey there is some activity over there! We threaded out way through the park and found the tractor show we had been searching for. We had a nice time and chatted with quite a number of folks. |
Cars, Trucks and Tractors. OH MY!
If you see your |
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