1st Annual MJT Memorial Cape Cod Truck Show

1 November 2015

Slide Show Part 1, 

I learned about this show at the Westfield MA show.  November is bleak month for show of various types so we decided to head to the Cape and see what was up.  this is the first year for this show and they had a marvelous turnout!  

I received this information about the man this show is dedicated to this evening (3 November 2015)  from his daughter in law Julie Tasha.  Here is what she wrote to me:


A brief summary of his life and accomplishments would be:

Mike Tasha started his oil business in 1974 with one delivery, one trailer and one van.  He'd start his day in the trailer going to get fuel, jump in the delivery truck and do the house calls and then the service van at night working on the burners.  I think if you asked anyone to describe him in one word, it would be hard-working.  His wife Halcyone would do the office work.  Even after his success, he would never ask any one of his employees to do any facet of his company that he wouldn't do himself or right there beside them.  From washing the trucks, to taking the service call at all hours of the night right up to the end.  I know this is not about his son Kabraul, but I want to add, this trait followed suit with him.  I'm convinced they are two of the most hard working, generous, truly caring people in this world.  Kabraul is doing an incredible job with running this family business. 

Mike's business grew and grew as he made his way up the Cape purchasing small companies.  He made quite a name for himself in this industry, as his funeral and then this unbelievable truck show to which is a testament.  He passed away suddenly last October 30th at the young age of 66.  His funeral was likened by a local author from Provincetown, as that of President Lincolns.  It was unreal.  People stood out in the rain for hours to pay their respects, traveling from as far away as Florida.  
The 1st Annual MJT Memorial Cape Cod Truck Show was an idea Kabraul had shortly after his fathers death.  Definitely ironic as Mike never liked the idea of truck shows.  He thought they were a waste of money and resources.  His employees should be working he thought.  He was never a man that needed recognition for his shiny trucks, although this was very important to him, the keeping the trucks clean that is, just for getting the job done right.  Our little local truck show took on a life of it's own once word got out it was in Michael J. Tasha's memory.


Mike is a man that you can't help but have the utmost respect for when you meet him.  He helped anyone in need and would give the shirt off his back.  He is missed on so many levels by so many.  
Thanks so much for your interest Erroll.  Always happy to pass on his story.  I'm sure Kabraul would be the best to talk to about his Dad.  If you would life he could talk to you as well.
I'm sorry to have missed you at the show.  I was definitely overwhelmed to say the least!  That darn raffle threw me for a loop!  The good news is I will be ready for the most efficient raffle next year after that!  
I hope you enjoyed yourself!


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