Whately Engine Museum annual Show
Whately, MA
Video HERE
This was our first visit to the Whately Engine Museum but
certainly won't be our last. The WEM show is a word of mouth show
and has grown over the years to be the wonderful event that it is
today. The GPS showed a distance of 99 miles from our home in S.E.
CT, not the closest show nor the most far. The sun was out
brightly when we left but by the time we got up to central MA is was
clouded over but still nice.
I handed out lots of cards to promote this site and NEMES. So what else is new? |
With passing of Edgar the World Famous Donut Hound Steve Desreuisseau's
dog Ginger will have to take over as the official NEMES show dog
Norm Jones, a past president of NEMES and friend to all!
Detail of how a shingle mill advances the wood into the saw
You will notice a thumb shaped shadow at the bottom center of some of these photos. Not my thumb but a shadow from the glare shade on the lens.
Got to start remembering to take that off when doing flash photos.
If you see your |
Correspondence to: webmaster@neme-s.org