New England Model Engineering Society 

18th Annual Model Engineering Show

Charles River Museum of Industry

15 February 2014

This year, for the first time ever, I was unable to attend our club's annual show.  As a result I have to depend on those who were able to attend to provide photos of the event.  Fortunately several fellows have come through and I present their photos here.  I apologize that this page is slow in getting posted but this past week was a chemo therapy week for me and as such I have been in somewhat of a fog and really lacking in ambition to get this done.  I hope you will all understand.

In addition to the links below I have expectation of getting a CD from one of our other members and will post those photos as soon as I can.

As always if you see  your pride and joy in any of the photos let me know and I will try to attach your name with the photos.


Photos from Rich Koolish.  Thank you Rich!


Photographer Mark A contributed to this page last year and I thank him again for his participation.


These photos arrived today from member John Ryall. Thank you John for contribution!








Photos from Mike Boucher arrived on 3 March 2014.  Thank you Mike!

Mike's video on You Tube HERE

















If you see your exhibit or machine and would care to drop me a line or two, or even a paragraph, about it I will be delighted to add your comments to this page.  Please send to   To identify a photo just hover your cursor over the photo and a tag should pop up.  Please use the last three digits of the tag to identify the photo. For  example if the tag came up  DSC03974.jpg (205067 bytes) the info I would need is 974.jpg. If this is a multi page unit the page number would also be useful.

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