NEMES May 2006 Meeting


I don't quite know what happened but I came home from the May meeting, processed the photos I had taken at the meeting and that is as far as things got.  So here, the day after the June meeting, is the page for May.


PICT0003.JPG (66768 bytes)  This is the view from the stairway to the upper level where our meetings are held. The fellows are gathered in part of the machine shop area. An ongoing project for the musuem and our group is the restoration of a machine shop, complete with overhead belting.

PICT0005.JPG (47737 bytes)  Our speaker of the evening, Stan Grayson,  talked about the history of marine internal combustion engines.  Please see the complete article about Stan's talk in the June Gazette.

PICT0006.JPG (54454 bytes) Sorry but I don't have a name for this speaker.

PICT0009.JPG (45102 bytes) Max Ben Aaron our soon to be former secretary.  I am amazed that five years have gone by since Max took over the position from our first secretary Steve Lovely.  Thank you Max for your excellent service to NEMES.

PICT0011.JPG (40411 bytes) Ed Rogers talked up the upcoming car show in Topsfield MA scheduled for June 25th.

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